Lakeland Divorce Process Attorney
Many people are tired of their marriages but are scared to get a divorce. They may know people who have gone through the divorce process and they have nothing but bad things to say. It’s expensive, it takes a long time to finalize.
This is often true. Divorces can be time-consuming and costly, lasting longer than a year and costing tens of thousands of dollars. But it doesn’t always have to be that way. The process can be easier (or even harder), depending on how willing you are to compromise and work toward a resolution with your spouse.
You may be familiar with what a divorce entails, but do you really know the process? Lakeland divorce process attorney Darla K. Snead, P.L. Attorney at Law can guide you through the process with ease.
The Divorce Process
The divorce process typically consists of seven steps, although there could be more or fewer, depending on your situation. They are as follows:
- Step 1: Filing the petition. First you need to file the petition.The petition is filed in the circuit court and must state that the marriage is “irretrievably broken.”
- Step 2: Answering the petition. The next step is for the other party to respond to the petition within 20 days. The answer must include what the other spouse agrees with or denies in the petition. During this step, either party in the divorce may ask for restraining orders and temporary orders involving child support, child custody, and alimony.
- Step 3: Discovery process. This process is where a divorce attorney can gather additional key information for the outcome of the divorce. Each party must provide mandatory disclosures, which can include income tax returns, bank statements, retirement account statements, and other statements that reflect assets or debts.
- Step 4: Mediation. Mediation is often required in Florida so that the parties can negotiate the terms of the divorce. A mediator is used to help you and your spouse come to an agreement on certain issues, such as property division, child custody, and alimony.
- Step 5: Agreeing on a parenting plan. If you have children, you will need to agree on a parenting plan. The plan will include each parent’s involvement in raising the children, a time-sharing schedule for time-sharing, communication, and legal custody.
- Step 6: Going to court. A trial may be necessary if you and your spouse cannot come to an agreement on all the divorce issues. You will need to go to court and discuss your issues in front of a judge. Your lawyer will help present evidence and testimony. The judge will then make a final decision.
- Step 7: Finalizing the divorce. Once everything has been agreed upon, the judge signs the final judgment. This means your divorce is now over.
Contact Darla K. Snead, P.L. Attorney at Law Today
Divorce can be an emotional and frustrating situation. The right lawyer can help you move through the process quickly. Contact Darla K. Snead, P.L. Attorney at Law for help finalizing your divorce. Schedule a consultation with a Lakeland divorce process lawyer today by calling (863) 619-5291.