Monthly Archives: April 2021
Truckers may be especially prone to drowsy driving
It is not unusual to see semi-trucks in Lakeland, especially Publix trucks and Amazon trucks. Those who drive semi-trucks provide a valuable service that is essential to the economy not just in Florida, but across the nation. However, semi-truck drivers are prone to drowsy driving, which could lead to a catastrophic truck accident. What… Read More »
Understanding Florida parenting plans
The goal of a parenting plan is to ensure children have frequent and consistent contact with both parents after they divorce. In Florida, a parenting plan is required for all parents who are going through the divorce process. Parents have a duty to act in a manner that promotes the welfare of their children… Read More »
Here’s how to develop a divorce negotiation strategy
Although most divorces seem highly contentious, the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of them settle before going to trial. That means the parties somehow find a way to work together to hash out a resolution that works for both of them. One reason this approach is appealing is that it… Read More »
Driving while drowsy can be negligence
After decades of awareness campaigns, police crackdowns and increased penalties, most Florida drivers today are familiar with the dangers of driving while drunk. Similarly, many drivers are at least vaguely aware of the hazards of driving while distracted by smartphones and other devices. But many drivers fail to consider the dangers of driving while… Read More »
Florida lawmakers considering two changes to divorce law
The way divorce works in Florida would change significantly if a bill before the state House eventually becomes the law. Specifically, it would affect spousal support and child custody matters. A new way to end permanent spousal support Awards of permanent spousal support (commonly known as alimony) are rare, but they do happen. Usually,… Read More »